Enjoy this new advanced race (15RP) with a unique variance from the usual dragon-blooded races. Born to Half-dragons, or people descended from them, the Drophan are a race of great potential.
Within the 7 pages of content you can find the following:
- 9 Alternative Racial traits, including the Kyorlurn, or "keen ones"
- 7 Favored class options
- 9 New racial feats
- 2 New items
- A level 5 Iconic Kyorlurn Drophan: Aldani, with Character art.
- A Page long FAQ answering some questions you may have about the
Mizomei [Art] [https://www.mizomei.com/]
Shawn Pommier [Author, Cover Art] [https://twitter.com/EldritchDream]
Game System/Edition:
Pathfinder First Edition
Pricing: This download is set to a price of $4.00. This purchase is for digital content only, and you will receive a download link for a PDF file.